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Sunday, October 26, 2008


Welcome to the “Everything LaDeana Michelle” site.

A lot of you may or may not know who this beautiful young lady is, but you’re here because you heard her voice, saw the video she dedicated to Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, been to one of the zillion websites about her circulating all over the web, or simply heard about her through the grapevine.

I’ll get to her in a minute. Bottom line? Those of us who have already become fans know. We are like people who just knew Yahoo and Google was going to be a success. We are like the folks who just knew Bill Gates was going to be a success with Microsoft. We feel that it’s like the rising and the setting of the sun. LaDeana Michelle is GOING to be one of the most influential people in the world before all is said and done. We just KNOW. I knew from the moment I first heard her voice. Don’t be fooled by any other name…L MichelleLadeana Michelle or any other similar name you may find on any social sites. There is only ONE.

Her name is spelled…LaDeana Michelle (pronounced luh-dee-nuh).

There IS no other.

To say LaDeana Michelle is a talented artist is an understatement. She surpassed the “talented artist” mark a long time ago. She’s gorgeous, her voice is unique and so outstandingly beautiful that it’s not even fair and she is a relative of the legendary Sam Cooke and Eddie Kendricks (Temptations). This young lady is not even out yet and has received more hits, more buzz and more shine on the web than many established celebrities. It wasn’t just an internet leak of her heartfelt song and video “Keep Your Faith”, the positive dedication to Barack Obama (you can check out the video below). It was her VOICE. That distinctive, sweet, soulful tone many young and old have quickly come to love…that shines during live performances even better than her records as she lights up a stage.

With the face of a cover girl, this exotic-looking beauty, branded by the late Tupac Shakur as “worldwide”, is known to many as a phenom—limitless on many levels. You’ve seen it on (official artist website) or (official fan site). Multi-octave vocalist, songwriter, producer, musician, arranger, composer, screenwriter, actress, poet, designer, print model, CEO and more. We have heard that this stunning woman is endless. Limitless. However, I’d like to share a few more things you didn’t know. She speed reads. Has done so every since she began reading as a child--reading, writing and even creating poetry much earlier than normal. Has a photographic memory. Is a computer software specialist with no formal training whatsoever. Can self-teach herself any instrument. Taught herself seven thus far. The other two (flute, clarinet) were through lessons. However, she "picks up" instruments and works it out. After all, she plays by heart and can read music. Her complexion is beautiful because she doesn’t smoke or drink and is an avid vegetarian. She smiles and yields sunshine. People are drawn to her like bees to honey. She cares about underprivileged youth and the nation’s elderly and will be implementing programs to help both groups.

Humble, sweet, yet strong and INFINETELY intelligent, the moment you meet her you want to know more. She’s wildly intriguing to both male and female. You will LOVE LaDeana Michelle like we (the fans) do because you won't be able to help yourself. Never mind her upcoming films, fashion and property ventures, LaDeana Michelle is already slated to become a self-made millionaire through her partnership business ventures. Yet, she will still speak to and treat anyone nice…including homeless people on the street.

People were dormant, hands folded, waiting patiently. They knew this phenom was doing something—they just didn’t know what. They just knew they wanted it at some point. After “Keep Your Faith” was leaked on YouTube and folks heard that voice...the patience was over. It spread like Southern California wildfires and had both young and old wondering “Man, who is that?” Then, came the fan sites . Tribute sites. Photos posted by admiring fans. Now, her official site is teasing us with yet another song that is NOTHING (no pun intended—visit the site and you will know what I’m talking about) short of exceptional. We have given up thumb-twiddling and have come loose from our seat belts.

We want LaDeana Michelle!

So….I give you this site.

You meaning the fans, just like me. If you are not a fan yet, you'd better writer home to mama, because you WILL be one--along WITH mama. Here, you will find links, news, interviews, quotes, photos, buzz, music and everything LaDeana I receive it.


*****If you have any info…photos, music, poetry, news, tidbits or anything on LaDeana Michelle that you would like for me to include, please e-mail me at Due to heavy response, please give me some time to respond.

The nature of your submissions will determine inclusion.

Until then…I give you…Everything LaDeana Michelle!

A. Valentino

*Information and permissions courtesy of K. Strough, I. Washington, S. LaRue, C. Kendricks


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Valentino, for puttin' up this site. I, too think LaDeana Michelle has a great voice and I can't wait for her to be officially released. Sam Cooke was the greatest. Guess he passed down his genes!

Anonymous said...

I love this girl! When is she coming out?

Anonymous said...

Just came back from her official website. Wonderful voice! She is absolutely beautiful!