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Sunday, November 2, 2008


This is LaDeana Michelle’s FIRST exclusive interview in the interim before her highly-anticipated release, where she opens up about her career, personal time, her music and the pain that’s caused her to rebuild her army.

The first thing LaDeana Michelle does is seemingly peer clean through to your soul. With an air of sweetness, she smiles and shakes my hand like she’s glad to meet me, but those alluring, almond-shaped eyes strongly remind me of why I’m in her presence. The message is clear. She’s about her business. But, I’m staring, cause’ it wasn’t just her photos. She’s beautiful. This Oakland, California native is ever so sexy, but laced with class. Hauntingly intelligent. Mysterious. Fascinating. Meaningful. A real man’s dream. This is not a girl you flag down with a “Hey, come here, baby!” This is unmistakably a woman on top of her game. Come correct or don’t come at all. She is stunning today in royal blue and I tell her so. She thanks me with a smile. Seas part.

Bo: Additionally, happy belated birthday to you.

LDM: Thank you.

Bo: Bill Gates, Ciara, Monica and Hillary Clinton all share your birthday week.

LDM (smiling): October is an important month.

Bo: Definitely. I saw your Obama video. Keep Your Faith is one of the best quality songs I’ve heard in a while. You wrote, produced, arranged and performed it. It’s wonderful. What made you dedicate it to Obama?

LDM: Barack Obama is a “first” on so many levels, under fire from all angles. I felt he needed encouragement. The song just fit him.

Bo: So you’re voting this year, I take it.

LDM: Proudly.

Bo: Well, people everywhere love your voice and what you are doing. It’s distinctively beautiful. You sing from the heart. I love your song “Nothing” on your official website. It’s powerful. It’s all you and people can feel it. You’re an extremely prolific writer.

LDM: Thank you.

Bo: Let me break this down. Your first verse began with, “Some people come into our lives for a reason/Some just for a season, or a moment of time/ Then there’s you/You took this scared little girl/Made her a woman/When her soul was cryin’/That woman was me”. That’s deep. It took me places, right in rhythm with that beautiful music. I felt it.

LDM: Then I’ve done my job.

Bo: Indeed. There’s so many things I want to ask, so excuse me if I cram them all in and crazily switch subjects. You’re not even out yet and newly-turned fans are strung out. The music on all of your social sites has got people’s attention. Is any of it on your upcoming album?

LDM: Oh no. When I said “Listening Collection” , I meant it literally. Keep Your Faith and From Dollars To Dimes are both downloadable on CD Baby, but otherwise, the rest is for listening.

Bo: So fans can expect all new stuff? You promise?

LDM: As a producer, I will always have tracks. I never stop working. You can’t be lazy in this business. All new album, baby. I’m always on the “next” project to come.

Bo: Don’t call me “baby”. I just got chills.

LDM (laughing): You trippin’.

Bo: I know. Off of you. Okay, I’m just gon’ come right out and say it. You are gorgeous.

LDM: You’re sweet. Thank you.

Bo: Only stating facts. Besides being such an incredible vocalist and songwriter, you’re a female producer. That’s hot. You’re entering the world of Timbalands, Scott Storches and Bryan Michael Coxes. That’s exciting to think about, because most producers don’t look or sound like you. People love your sound. When can we expect you out?

LDM: Soon. I’ve got many surprises. One of them is the release date.

Bo: No hints? No clues?

LDM: I gave you a “soon”.

Bo: What about an album title?

LDM: Bo!

Bo (laughing): I’ll leave that alone, then. In fact, I understand that most of your details, period, are on the hush based on your new business mergers, correct?

LDM: That’s it.

Bo: It is…and it’s what makes you different. You’re not just an artist, but a businesswoman. When I think of you, I think of a Diddy, a Tyler Perry, an Oprah or Kimora Lee, but with superior vocals. You’re a frontrunner, but you have the ability to run things behind the scenes, which most artists can’t do. You’re also an actress and a screenwriter, with several films on the horizon. I smell big soundtracks emerging from your wings.

LDM: (smiling) You have a good sense of smell.

Bo: Any particular producers you’d like to collab with?

LDM: I like the styles and depth of R. Kelly. Despite the negative press, his music speaks for itself. I love passionate music that emotionally attacks you from the very first note. I also like Prince, T-Pain, Stargate, Bryan-Michael Cox and Timbaland, but to be truthful, I really want to hunt down talented producers and writers to collab with that everybody else is NOT workin’ with. I don’t like to do what everybody else is doing. I’m always after the unique and different-- the next level. Music outlines the world. You put it together right and its memorable for life. I’m not into quick hits. I’m into longevity…the bigger picture. So, I must choose my moves wisely.

Bo: Speakin’ of moves, you heard about the sleeping-for-tracks club. That’s the PG rated title.

LDM: I know and I’m not a member. We’re not gracing your bed just so you can lend me a song you’re gonna keep all the publishing on, anyway. Why is that worth it? Not my type of barter. If that’s the only way you want to do a song with me, then you don’t respect me or my craft and we don’t need to be working.

Bo: I’m impressed. Many females in the business see it as a sure-fire way to get ahead.

LDM: Their vision’s impaired. Maybe it’s time for glasses.

Bo (smiling): Wow. So, who would you choose to do a duet with?

LDM: Everyone has been suggesting Robin Thicke. I wouldn’t mind that at all, but I’ve got my eye on four key people thus far. I am targeting the four for duets with me on soundtrack releases—three singers and a rapper.

Bo: Female? Male?

LDM: One female, the rest males.

Bo: I wanna know!

LDM: All you need to know is that three have been in this business for a while, the fourth, a male, was just released this year.

Bo: I wanna know! (She tells me off-record) Are you serious?

LDM: Very.

Bo: That’s hot. Do you know how large that will be?

LDM: I’m quite aware. God blessed me with the uncanny talent of predicting hits. I lie to you not…every song that stuck to me on other artists’ albums has become a hit.

Bo: Weren’t you an A&R rep at one time?

LDM: It didn’t work out. I’m not really the pound-the-pavement recruiter type.

Bo: More of the CEO type, who creates and executes the big picture. You’d inform the recruiters of what you’re looking for and they’d report back to you with their findings.

LDM: Exactly!

Bo: Who are your influences? Are they your relatives Sam Cooke and Eddie Kendricks?

LDM: Yes, especially Sam, because he was an independent rebel—just like me. They say he knew what he wanted and went after it. Other influences are Prince, R. Kelly, Donnie Hathaway, my parents and Whitney Houston.

Bo: Still love Whitney, huh?

LDM: Til I die! She was always a huge inspiration.

Bo: Your parents must also be proud of your focus, drive and determination.

LDM: Well, my Mom most definitely is. My Dad was, but he passed several years ago.

Bo: Sorry to hear that.

LDM: I have my days. My Dad was the first person to tell me there was no such thing as “stars”—that celebrities put their pants on one leg at a time like I did. That stuck with me. When I met Michael Jackson long ago, I was like “whatever”. He’s just a talented man with money and a high-profile job. This is why I’ve always gotten along and blended with high-profile people, because they don’t intimidate me. I’m always myself and they respect that. Where most people cower, I’m like, bring it on. It’s only a matter of time before what’s in my wallet matches yours, anyway. Besides, if all you’ve got to offer is money and no character, don’t expect more from me than a friendly smile, followed by a rapid goodbye.

Bo: I heard that! A smart woman.

LDM (smiling): I’m workin’ on it.

Bo: And on that album, too, I’m certain?

LDM: Yeah, I’m happy about it. I was sometimes inspired at three in the morning, out of the blue, to get up, write something and record it. Lots of feeling—pain and love---went into my debut album.

Bo: Been through a lot?

LDM: Everyone with meaningful stories to tell has.

Bo: You sing about love and positivity a lot.

LDM: It’s because I know what both truly are. Once you’ve experienced something real, you have to express it, somehow. That’s the unwritten rule.

Bo: So your songs are all true stories?

LDM: They are, for the most part. If it didn’t happen to me, then it happened to someone close to me.

Bo: But the romantic love stories are about you.

LDM: Yes.

Bo: I can feel that when I listen. I smell dirt, but I won’t kick it up based on that look you’re givin’ me.

LDM (laughing): You’re very perceptive.

Bo: I don’t want my a** kicked, that’s all.

LDM (laughing): I wouldn’t dream of it.

Bo: While everyone else is bragging and blabbing about any and everything—even stuff we don’t want to know, you’re on the hush. What’s up with that?

LDM: I’m a silent rebel, kind of a quiet storm. I plan. Observe. Execute. I don’t need to show everything upfront that I have for you to know I have it. But make no mistake…you will know I have it. In other words, I can show you better than I can tell you. You may not hear me comin’, but you will most definitely feel me when I arrive.

Bo: But we do hear you comin’ and we can’t wait. You are who you are. You are going to be that superstar with longevity. But with the fame comes having to get rid of people who don’t have your back. Have you encountered that yet?

LDM: Unfortunately. Sometimes, your worst enemies are close around you. I’ve had to eliminate people from my inner circle. It hurt to have to do that, but it was necessary. I still smile, speak—all that. However, there comes a time when you have to realize that if a person is not for you, they are against you. There is no in-between. I am certain most celebs have been through that, as well. It hardens you a bit , to start recognizing people for who they really are when your back is turned—not what they pretend to be in your face. You may be a smooth circle when you start off in this business, but by the time it gets through chewing you up and spittin’ you out, you will have evolved into an octagon with thorns on all eight sides for protection.

Bo: Speak. I’m an Octagon. I also hear you love law.

LDM: And Forensic Psychology. I was even going to be a criminal defense attorney at one point. However, neither are my true calling. I have a mission to complete in this lifetime through my music and films and I’m not deviating from it.

Bo: Trust me, we don’t want you to. So who’s in your ipod?

LDM: Rafael Saadiq, K’jon, Slique, Maxwell, T-Pain, T.I., Ne-Yo, Keyshia Cole, Ludacris and Robin Thicke. I love all kinds of music, so it’s mixed. Stuff from Natasha Bedingfield, One Republic and so forth.

Bo: As a producer, is it necessary to listen to all types of music?

LDM: I believe it is. I do it naturally, though, cause’ I just love music.

Bo: Do you like clubbin’?

LDM: Not these days. I’m a skater. It’s skillful exercise, I see all the DJ’s eventually and I enjoy the same if not better, music. See, anybody can step to you in a club, but you’ve got to have skills and be coordinated to catch me on skates.

Bo: So, I guess I’d be waitin’ for you by the water fountain, huh?

LDM (laughing): I know that’s right! Skating is therapeutic for me. Besides, I’m an East-Coast girl in a West-Coast shell and I have a thing for smooth, soulful grooves. The deejays have come to learn what I love to skate to.

Bo: Is that all you do for fun?

LDM: No, I’m an avid movie-goer. I also love swimming, shopping, traveling, boxing, belly-dancing and day spas.

Bo: Boxing?

LDM: Don’t worry, all we hit are the bags and stuffed figures—not each other.

Bo: Belly-dancing?

LDM: One of my alter-egos is definitely Middle-Eastern in nature, because I love the food, the music, culture and the dancing. I can’t get enough. Belly-dancing is wonderful, spicy exercise!

Bo: Ever think about being on Broadway?

LDM: I love the theatre. I’ve done Purlie, The Wiz and a host of others. I would love to be involved with a production, after the wave of my debut album, before the sophomore album arises. I’m not going to be one of those to spread myself too thin, with the demands of theatre production. My first priorities are music and film, respectfully, which both have different sets of deadlines.

Bo: What is the one thing you want to do as a musician that you haven’t done?

LDM: Perform with a full orchestra, with me directing a piece that I’ve composed for all of its members.

Bo: You can do that?

LDM: It’s why I understood Freddie Highmore’s character in the movie, August Rush. If I took the time and actually let myself go, music comes to me like that, too. I felt that movie. I loved it.

Bo: Impressive. What determines you letting yourself go?

LDM: Time. Schedule. Me. Wearing many hats.

Bo: I see. However, from what I know about you thus far, that is all going to change and we will one day see you in an orchestra pit, directing one of your pieces.

LDM: If I have my way.

Bo: (chuckle) Well, you are going to be a success in this industry, because your head is on straight. You’re beautiful, immensely talented, focused and unusually humble for a person of your caliber. Now, I expect invitations to watch you receive all your awards. (She smiles) With all that you do, there won’t be too many you won’t qualify for. I’m honored that you gave me the first interview before your official release and I wish you all the success in the future.

LDM: Thank you for having me!


*For more info. on LaDeana Michelle, you can visit her Official Fan Site at: and the new "Everything LaDeana Michelle" site at

Visit her Official Website now to pre-join her Exclusive E-Mail club:

- Submitted by Bo Latham, Soul Connect

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